
Friday, May 22, 2020

Greenhouse Gases - Climate Change

Here is my persuasive writing about the greenhouse gases in climate change.
This is for my literacy work. I watched a video and took notes, then transferred those notes
into this piece of writing. I hope you enjoy.

Greenhouse Gases
We are destroying the planet. The types of gases we use, create a layer in the atmosphere, and let
the sun’s heat into our planet, but don’t let it out. That is why the name is called the greenhouse
effect, because the atmosphere layer is like the walls in a greenhouse. The more gases that go into
the earth’s atmosphere, the higher the temperature climbs. Some of our fun activities are actually
using bad gases and are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere by ⅓ more
since the industrial revolution. 

The warming of the planet is really bad. The increase is heating the planet at an alarming rate.
The warmer temperature impacts our oceans, weather, food and health. The consequences of
climate is, the melting of ice countries such as greenland and Antarctica, is increasing our ocean
levels, which can result in bad floods in the coastal region. Our weather can also be affected. If we
don’t stop this, we will have extreme weather. It’s not just more storms, floods and snow falls, but
also longer and more intense droughts. That then impacts our food source. If there are droughts,
crops won’t grow and because of the flooding, our animals will move habitats. It impacts where
they live and how food grows. Climate change also affects people's health. Urban areas have
warmer atmospheres which trap and increase the amount of smog. This is because smog-ozone
particles increase fast at high levels. When the smog increases it causes health problems like
asthma, heart disease and lung cancer. 

We can stop this though.The rapid climate change rate is caused by humans.
Although humans can combat it though. If we replace our fuels with renewable energy sources
like wind, solar and water powered energy, (which don’t produce greenhouse gases) we could
still prevent the worst effects.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great persuasive story!
    Why did you think about this topic?
    Maybe next time make your story readable because it is going to the side.

    1. The topic was set. We first watched a video and then had to write a paragraph about it. Except I didn't only write a paragraph about it.

  3. Well done Caitlyn you have lots of excellent facts in here and explained your topic really well.
    Maybe you need to ask a teacher to help show you how to format this post so your words don’t run off the page - it would make it easier to read.
    I like how you’ve grouped your main ideas into paragraphs. You have a very strong beginning that grabbed my attention and a nice summery at the end that really makes me think. You should be very proud of this writing.
    Did you choose the topic or was it set?

    1. Thank you Jane. I have been shown how to do it this afternoon but thank you anyway. The topic was set by my literacy teacher Sharon. We firstly watched the video, answered questions and then had to write a persuasive story about the topic. I thought this topic would be interesting to write about.

  4. Thanks Caitlyn a lot of good information here. I liked the facts being explained in detail which keeps your informed and interested. Keep sharing and blogging.

  5. What a fantastic piece of writing Caitlyn, it really had me interested the whole way through. It was clear, full of lots of facts, and very thought provoking. It is obvious from your writing that you are very passionate about this topic. Thank you for explaining why it is called greenhouse gases, I never knew that!! Just have a wee read over that second paragraph, I think there is maybe an extra 'is' in there that needn't be. Keep writing with passion, backed up with lots of facts and you will certainly make very persuasive arguments.


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