
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pobble Literacy Work

Sick Sentences!

These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help? You might be able to use some of the words you have thought of for number 1! The man was swimming next to the big fish. The big fish was swimming in the sea.
The man was snorkeling in the sea. He swam with the giant whale travelling next to him and the whale was looking for other fish in the sea.

Sentence Challenge!
Using your senses is a great way to make your writing exciting! Imagine you could hear what was happening in this picture. Which ‘sounds’ words would describe what was happening? (e.g. splash, gurgle...) Imagine you could feel the water and the whale. What describing words would tell the reader what they both feel like?
The sharky thing is smooth and slippery, the water freezes me like I'm standing in an ice-cube. I puff out water and make a slushing sound with the bubbles.

Question Time?
What creature can you see in the picture? Shark? Fish?
How many people can you see? 1.
How do you think the person in the picture is feeling? Nervous, Scared, Worried, Anxious.
What might happen next? Lots more sharks come past and the man is stuck.
What other creatures might live in the ocean nearby? Whales, fish, Sharks, Stingrays, Jellyfish.etc.

Picture This!
Look carefully at the photograph and imagine you could zoom out. What might be happening just underneath the shark/beside the man/close to them in the water? Write or draw what you think!
There might be another, bigger shark swimming next to the shark. There is another person who has a camera taking the photo. A ship is sailing on top of the water.

I float, above a creature.
The icy water covering me, I struggle to survive.

Next the fish takes a breath and swallows me whole.
I’m gone but it feels better,
To be out of the frozen water.

Then he burps, and I escape, then return to where I started.
I’m happy I’m back, although I won’t ever return to the water.

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